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Tree Clearance

We specialize in removal of trees such as shelter belts and forestry lots.

Our team fell trees, then process them into logs (if the wood is suitable) or wood chip and mulch.

We are able to process large trees and any wood waste with our Bandit Beast Chipper and have bulldozers, skidders and equipment to remove trees from gullies or hills.

There are no tree branches or mess left for you to clean up or have to burn.

Site clearance for subdivisions are one of the areas of work we excel at, we are able to remove all trees, shrubs and tree stumps and leave a raked clean site ready for development.

Processing of residues on forestry skids sites is another service we offer.

Wood Chip for Animal Bedding

We produce various grades of wood chip that are suitable for use in different situations.

Large grade shredded chip ideal for cattle stand off pads

Smaller chip for calf or goat pens

Shavings for poultry pens or pig bedding

If you have a stand of trees on your farm that have past their best we are able to process them into product on site to utilize as a wintering pad for your cattle. We are able to build and contour the pad for you using your own trees.

Premium Mulch 

Organic Bark Mulch

Premium Graded Mulch

Forest Floor

We produce various grades of mulch for all your landscaping and gardening needs. These mulches help prevent water loss from your soils during the summer months and suppress weed growth.


Poultry litter enriched

Mushroom residue enriched

Stable manure enriched

Our range of composts are formulated to add all the required nutrients to soil and provide an excellent growing medium for your plants.

Organic Fertilisers

Rooster Booster

Our sister company Pelleted Products produce a wide range of organic fertilisers that we stock.

These have a composted poultry manure base that ensures the well aged manure will not burn or damage plants.

Rooster Booster is ideal for the home gardener, commercial grower or the turf industry.

If you require a customized blend they are able to help you with

the production of a user friendly product as pellets, coarse crumbles or fine crumbles .

Boiler / Hog Fuel

mill residues

We provide a service to timber processing sites converting mill residues into hog fuel that they can then use in their own boilers or truck off site. Please contact us for more details.

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